Proud Auntie...

I've been lucky enough to have my two nephews staying with me for six weeks, and they've been fabulous company. Solomon, who's 8, is an absolutely amazing artist - way better than I was when I was that old... or young. Actually, in many ways he's much better than I am now. He never stops experimenting with ideas and styles and shapes, and has notebooks full of his creations. He's inspired me to start drawing again for fun, and made me remember what it SHOULD be like. He's taught me a few things while he's been here - his two best pieces of advice are "Just draw it!" and "There are no accidents for artists" (This was said while he turned a scribble that hadn't worked out for me into an amazing bird.) Here are a few of his sketches. Did I mention the fact that he's 8? EIGHT!? Watch this space... he's going to do great things.